Our Team

The company is in a continuous process of improvement, at the same time with care for their staff to be well motivated and to have a high level of professional conduct and behavior, improving also accurate and durable collaboration with its partners: architects , structural engineers, designers, suppliers and manufacturers of building materials.

First Last Name Position e-mail
Vladimir BaldoviciDirectorvladimir.baldovici@stayer.md
Alexandru GuțuDevelopment Group Leaderalexandru.gutu@stayer.md
Maria PanfilHead of Production Departmentmaria.panfil@stayer.md
Lilia DruțăHead of Supply Departmentlilia.druta@stayer.md
Tatiana CroitoruChief Accountanttatiana.croitoru@stayer.md
Ana StatnicPersonal Service Inspectorana.statnic@stayer.md
Victor TonuChief Security Guardvictor.tonu@stayer.md
Mihail ChiriacRoad Transport Managermihail.chiriac@stayer.md